Saturday, June 01, 2013

Heather's Fantasy or "Thank God that's the last time"

Two years ago, Bill, my husband and I were in our late forties and our sex life was boring. We made love in a traditional manner, with a little bit of petting and then I would get my vibrator out as he had never been able to bring me to an orgasm with penetration. As I loosened up as a result of the vibrator and came close to orgasm I would invite him to enter me, which nearly always ruined my orgasm each time, and Bill would pump half a dozen strokes and cum in me. Persistence with my vibrator usually brought me off and my orgasm would push Bill’s now limp and tiny dick out.

Hardly exciting.

You might ask why I didn’t just complete my orgasm before inviting him in, which is a good question. The main reason is that I tightened up after orgasm so much that Bill could not enter me without hurting me.

As a result, I was unenthusiastic about sex and found excuses as much as possible. Our sex life got less and less frequent, and on his last birthday I found yet another excuse not to go to bed after lunch with him to give him his “birthday treat”. Bill snapped at me that he may as well be castrated for all the sexual enjoyment he got.

I was amazed to find that I got immediately wet between my legs, and for the rest of the day every time I thought about what he had said, this excited glow spread out from my sex keeping me wet and horny. When we eventually did go to bed, I surprised him by inviting him straight in to me and told him just to finish off inside me quickly – without my vibrator.

He was delighted, but amazed and asked me what brought that on – to which I lied and said that I just wanted to give him his birthday present after all.

He turned over and went quickly to sleep, leaving me with cum leaking out. As I turned over his suggestion about castration over and over in my mind, I used his cum as lubrication and stroked myself to orgasm after orgasm until I fell asleep from exhaustion.

The following day, while he was out at work, I sat at our computer and Googled “human male castration”. I was so interested in what I found that I read almost all of the stories. Particularly ones where the man voluntarily was castrated to please his wife.

Over the next few weeks, this kept going round and round in my mind and I surprised my husband by being enthusiastic about frequent love making. This time it was my husband who found that he couldn’t keep up with my demands. I kept asking him to come in and pleasure me without using my vibrator and he failed miserably, either cumming in ten strokes or (with me demanding sex every day and sometimes twice), he just couldn’t even keep an erection. Each time, after he had cum prematurely (or failed to keep it up), but always failing miserably to bring me to orgasm, I would close my eyes, imagine he was castrated, and bring myself off in front of him berating him for his failing to please me.

Night after night masturbating to the idea of my husband being castrated, I eventually rounded on him and it was my turn to tell him that for all the good he was to me, he might as well be castrated.

He responded vehemently that it might make for a quieter life if he was, as then there would be no question about whether he could or he couldn’t get it up, and I could just masturbate in peace.

We just looked at each other in stunned silence and then I pulled him into my arms and we just went to sleep in each other’s arms.

The following night, I told him that I had looked up male castration on the internet and told him about some of the sites I had found. He thought I had only been looking that day, and he did not realise that I had been looking at these sites for weeks, and I didn’t let on.

Rather shyly, he suggested I show him and we browsed mostly stories together. The ones about men being castrated by their wives, or men being castrated for their wives, were the most interesting to us. We talked it over at great length, and I asked my husband if he would consent to castration if I asked him to. He thought about it for quite some time before he answered that if I wanted him castrated, that he would consent to have them cut off.

My sexual demands and his ability to meet them did not improve, and the more we talked about it, the more interested we became in really having him castrated.

After one disappointing night while we were on holiday in a hotel, with a bathroom with lots of mirrors in it, he stepped out of the shower and I could see that his balls were hanging real low. I told him that his cock would really look better without those big balls hanging there. That's all I had to say. He told me that when we got back home that he was going to get castrated, and be done with my innuendos.

I asked him if he really meant it and he said yes. I told him that I would go along with that decision if he truly wanted to be castrated. I asked him what I would do if I got horny, and needed more than masturbation once in a while. He told me that he would orally satisfy me or I could find a lover on the side if I needed a cock. He said he wouldn't mind if I had sex with another man as long as he was the one I came home to.

When we got home, we looked for a surgeon who would do the castration for us. We made the arrangements and when the day came, early in the morning we drove to the private hospital where the procedure would be carried out.

When we were let in to see the surgeon, he made us feel very comfortable and talked through with us why we wanted the procedure. He reminded us that Bill would never be able to father any more children (we are empty nesters) and that we would both need to sign a consent form. He then told us that after the operation, Bill’s sexual desires and ability to have an erection would both decline and that after anything from two weeks to six months his desires and ability would be zero. He was pretty blunt, obviously making sure we both wanted this and also knew what it meant. Bill was adamant, but I couldn’t help noticing that he had an almost constant erection bulge in his trousers.

Finally, the surgeon asked if we were ready. I looked at Bill and asked him if he was ready to go through with it. He nodded that he was, and we both signed the consent form and I kissed him a thank you.

The procedure was set for an hour later, and we were shown to a private single bed hospital room. Soon a nurse arrived, a rather pretty brunette, and she and I went with Bill into the bathroom and she proceeded to shave his genitals. Bill had a solid erection all the time, and the nurse suggested that I might like to help him with it, and smiling left us in peace. I persuaded Bill over to the bed and, after putting a “do not disturb” notice on the door (there was no lock), I stripped off and rode Bill until he shot his load in me. It took about five strokes, and looking at the disappointment on my face, Bill’s only comment was “thank God, that’s the last time”.

I waited while he took a shower, and put on a hospital gown, and we waited, holding hands, until the nurse came and took us both down to the theatre area.

Bill asked the nurse if I could watch, and I was shown to a room looking down into the theatre through a glass screen.

Bill was helped onto the operating table by the nurse and she arranged his gown and a towel over his legs so that his genitals were all you could see.

An anaesthetist came in and gave him about six injections in and around his balls and scrotum area. After about fifteen minutes, the anaesthetist came back with the surgeon, and after the anaesthetist checked that the local anaesthetic had done its job, the surgeon then asked him one more time if this is what he wanted. When he answered yes, he turned and picked up the scalpel, and began.

He first made an incision down the centre to the scrotum, and pushed his balls out of the sac. I must admit it excited me to see a man's balls outside of the sac. Next he cut the membrane around the right testicle and pulled the cord tight. He then put a clamp on the cord, and used suture material to tie off the cord, once that was done he cut the right testicle free and laid it in a small dish. He then repeated the same thing on the left side.

As he made the final cut on the left testicle and laid it in the dish with the right one , he looked up at me through the viewing window and asked me if I would like to keep them as a souvenir!

This all happened eight months ago. I really like his new look when I see him naked now. He has also kept the whole area hairless, and looks cute without his balls hanging down. He has no interest in initiating sex, and can’t get even a half erection any more. I have discovered oral sex and he has learned how to give me more pleasure when he goes down on me than ever he could with his penis. He takes his time and makes sure that I have an orgasm before he quits.

Even though our sex life is so much better, I have found that I miss a good hard penis, and when I said that to Bill, he reminded me that I could take a lover.

I have twice accepted an offer from someone I met at work. Bill says he likes it when I come home after being with my lover, because I have that after sex glow about me. He also says he gets satisfaction knowing that another man has had sex with me and it's just the thought of knowing there has been a cock in me and has left a nice big load of cum in there. He tried to eat me once after I had just had sex with my lover, but I wouldn't let him.

The more I think about it, I think that the next time I will tell Bill that if he wants to eat another man’s cum out of me, he is more than welcome. It could be quite exciting.

It just surprises me that so many men are willing to be voluntarily castrated and to give up their balls and sex life. I never would have ever imagined that if I hadn't read all these stories of men doing just that, and to see my husband so easily consent to be castrated, and like it.

I just wonder how many more men out there are willing to have their balls cut off.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Thursday night Heather suggested that we go to bed early. Sometimes that means Nookie, but sometimes just that she wants to read. Anyway, it turned out to be Nookie and the key appeared on my pillow while I was in the bathroom. When I saw that Heather had put clean sheets on the bed I had my suspicions about how this tryst was going to go.

I was right – I was of course not allowed to cum myself, as Heather said to me as she teased and fondled me before taking up her trusty Eroscillator – “don’t go making the clean sheets messy”.

Now I was really uncertain about whether last weekend was a wind-up or not. The timing is very much such that it would fit her normal longer time between orgasms if she didn’t actually cum last weekend, or certainly within her comfortable recycle time if she did.

The time she took to cum once she started with her Eroscillator also told me nothing, she neither came quickly nor took a long time either by her standards.

After cumming, she let go of Percy, patted him, turned the lights out and rolled over and went to sleep.

Friday, I tried to re-open the subject of her getting even with me last weekend, without any luck at all. She just smiled and said “no comment”. I then even tried telling her that I didn’t believe her and that I thought she was winding me up.

“In that case”, was her reply, “if I bed someone else then that would only be my second – i.e. getting even – so you will not mind if I do respond to the compliment of an offer again”.


Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Is this a wind-up?

Heather arrived home on Monday morning at about 9.30am, which since it is nearly a two hour drive from where she was on Sunday night, means that at least I can guess that the “friend” she stayed with is probably working and had to leave early himself. The choir is about half retired and half still working, so that cuts down the options to the working half.

I was right about what “We’ll see” means. Heather steadfastly refused to talk about her experiences, and when she arrived home she looked neat and tidy and not at all tousled or “just shagged”. She had clearly had a shower, but when she got in she disappeared off to have another shower and change into fresh clothes. I tried the bathroom door while she was in the shower as I wanted to see if there was any apparent evidence of her misdoings, but unusually she had locked the door. I guess the answer is that there probably was evidence, but Heather clearly did not want me to see it!

The rest of Monday was as normal. I hinted that a session in bed might be of interest after lunch, but got no encouragement for that. We both went out to regular Monday evening social meetings with male (in my case) and female (in her case) friends. At bedtime I hoped Heather might be frisky as she had obviously had her usual few glasses of wine, and again suggested a bit of play, but no joy. I was still locked up, and Heather reminded me of her policy of not making love to me while I was locked up. Now this seemed unfair as Heather had removed the key from her handbag where I had put it before she went out on Sunday, and just replied “serves you right” when I asked for it.

Tuesday was exactly the same, except that I did see Heather in the shower and that revealed nothing other than Heather’s attractive slim figure! I was beginning to wonder if she was winding me up.

Today is Wednesday, and I have been locked up for over a week in my new Mature Metal Jailbird, and I feel well overdue for a bit of love making. However, it is not a week for Heather IF indeed she did get even with me on Sunday night! I however remain stuck in a catch-22 situation, that I can’t get out of the Jailbird without the key and Heather is not apparently interested in giving it to me. On the other hand she is steadfastly refusing to make love with me while I am locked up, so I am getting neither pleasure directly myself nor able to indulge my passion for being denied while Heather gets to cum while I hang on to her!

Now I can’t remember how long it is since Heather went more than a few days without resorting to cumming using her Eroscillator, even if no other form of titillation was available. If she doesn’t insist on cumming in some form or other tonight or tomorrow, then that would be a sure sign that she DID indeed cum at least once with her friend last Sunday night.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

I’m even

We arrived back from holiday last week to find that my new chastity device from Mature Metal was waiting at the Post Office to be collected. I had expected it to be delivered before the holiday, but International post delayed it. As it was it was an interesting conclusion to our holiday.

We had about two weeks, driving through countryside and mountains and enjoying staying in country hotels and eating in simple but good restaurants or in the hotels when they looked good. Being relaxed and having a bottle of wine with dinner every night meant that Heather, my wife, had felt more frisky than usual and we had made love almost every night. Heather always gets randy after a few drinks or a half bottle of wine. The only challenge is to get her to bed before she gets too sleepy or the effect wears off.

For anyone who has read about our love life, you will know that making love for us most of the time means Heather holding onto Percy while tickling herself with her trusty eroscillator. She usually fondles me to a solid erection and even brings me close to cumming before she lies back, takes Percy in her left hand and her eroscillator in her right hand and starts the job of bringing herself to an orgasm. The eroscillator works well for her, and she comes to her climax in anything from about 30 seconds to 10 minutes, depending on how much she has had to drink (the more the quicker) and how long since her last orgasm (the longer the quicker). Once she has come down from her orgasm, there is nothing Heather likes more, especially if she has had a drink or two than to drift off to sleep.

After she has cum herself, she used to ask me whether I wanted to cum either by her or me doing a hand job, but she has increasingly been getting irritated by the mess that me cumming makes, and has been offering a hand job less and less. She also likes to roll over and go to sleep and gets irritated with me disturbing her by tossing myself off after she has finished, especially if I need to clean up afterwards.

Perversely, I love her denying me orgasms, and for years have been trying to persuade her that keeping me locked up in a chastity belt would thrill me but at the same time ensure that she was the only one to orgasm, and save the mess and the irritation of me cumming once she has finished.

Heather is highly vanilla, and finds the idea of a chastity device unpleasant. I bought one a few years ago and tried to interest her in it with no success. I however, thoroughly enjoy being locked up and imagining Heather as my keyholder. Heather knows this, and accepts me locking myself up now and then so long as she doesn’t have to see me in it. She has no interest in being a keyholder.

Heather was a virgin when we met at the age of 29. At the time I was splitting up with my first wife, and Heather seemed like a Godsend. We loved each other with an intensity that has lasted for over thirty years now.

Anyway, now to the present.

While we were on holiday we talked (as we always do) for hours in the car. And on occasion the conversation turned to sex. I told Heather that I had ordered a new Mature Metal Jailbird, which I had hoped would arrive in time for me to play with on holiday but it hadn’t come. Heather was a bit pissed off with me for “wasting money” on it, but generously and reluctantly conceded “well if it makes you happy – just don’t ask me to make love to you when you are wearing it and don’t expect me to look after the key”. One more fantasy blown out of the window!

We also wandered off into talking about sexual experiences, and I teased Heather about whether she had even seen another cock other than mine in the flesh. She has always loved her orgasms, and I suspect that she at least had heavy petting sessions and even mutual hand jobs with her boyfriends before she gave her virginity to me, but she keeps her experiences very much to herself, and would not be drawn this time either. I have often, when we have had these discussions, said to her that it is unfair that I have had more varied experiences and she has had only me. This time as we talked, I told her that I had only made love properly with one other person in my life and that had been my first wife. I had various heavy petting sessions with other women but only the one bed partner. Heather was surprised as she said that she thought that I had had a lot more sex partners in my past. Something in the way she expressed her surprise made me think that she actually felt more threatened by the fact that I had only had two partners – her and my first wife – than if I had had a host of previous partners.

We arrived home after our holiday to find a note from the Post Office to say that a parcel was waiting for me, and I went straight to collect it, and sure enough it was my Jailbird. I couldn’t wait to try it, and slipping into the bathroom put it on. To my delight, a perfect fit, and far more comfortable than any other device I have ever had. So much so that I had completely forgotten about it as we headed off to bed, and just remembered in time to leave my under shorts on as I came to bed – my usual sign to Heather that I was locked up for the night.

True to her word, Heather expressed disappointment as she said she had fancied making love but was not going to while I was “locked up in that device”.

The Jailbird stayed on overnight, and being so comfortable, I decided to see how long I could wear it. My previous record with a CB6000S was three days.

The next couple of nights, we ended up going to bed late and tired, so despite my remaining locked up Heather did not seem very bothered about it, and certainly made no reference to “not making love while [you are] locked up in that device” again.

Saturday night we went to a party, which started early and finished early, so we both arrived home mellow and not too tired. At bedtime my under shorts and the implied lock-up was greeted with annoyance, as Heather repeated her intention not to make love to me while I was locked up. I did suggest to her that she could just use her eroscillator by herself – I love it when she does that – but she was feeling bolshy and just read her book and went to sleep without even a bedtime snuggle.

Sunday, and we were now into day five of me wearing the Jailbird, and I was still finding it very comfortable.

Heather had been invited to go back to the previous town where we had lived for a garden party and a sing-along with the semi-professional choir that she used to sing with. As I don’t sing very well, and certainly not to their standard, I wasn’t overly keen to sit around for a couple of hours while they sang madrigals and church music, so we’d agreed Heather would go alone, and I would make a special supper for her for when she got home.

I spent most of the day doing odd jobs and around 7pm the phone went and I saw that it was Heather’s number from the display. I was expecting her to tell me that she was on her way home and that I could start to cook supper, so was rather taken aback when she said that there had been rather a lot of drink around and that she had (with encouragement) partaken of too much to drive home, and that one of the choir members had suggested she should stay the night with HIM rather than drive home.

I asked who it was that she was staying with, as I knew them all, but rather hesitantly she said that she would rather not tell me. When I asked why, she was quiet for a long time, and then said in the firm voice that she uses when she is not to be argued with, that her prospective host had been flirting and attentive to her all afternoon and that she quite fancied him and he clearly fancied her. She then reminded me of our conversation in the car and said that I had encouraged her to experience another cock, and since she only needed to experience one more cock to be equal in variety to me and also that both because of the drink and because I had been locked up for five days and “neglecting her” that she was feeling randy. After blurting all that out in one long sentence, she then said rather hesitantly that if I couldn’t handle it she would turn him down, have a coffee and stay with someone else – but that she doubted that at her age [she is 60] the circumstances would ever come together with another opportunity like this and she would really like to “give it a whirl”.

To say I was gobsmacked would be an understatement, and all kinds of thoughts flew through my mind. I realised that Percy was rock solid (as much as he could be in the jailbird). As well as what my cock was telling me, I thought that I would be being hypocritical to deny her the chance, especially after not only teasing her about her one-cock experience, but also suggesting (albeit a number of times in the heat of sexual play) that she should take another lover.

“So long as you tell me all about it”, I managed to croak out. “We’ll see”, she replied in her voice that implies “No way”. “But you can always toss yourself off thinking about me”, she said softly.

“I can’t – I’m locked up and I put the key in your handbag”, I replied nervously. Heather refuses to be my keyholder knowingly and hates being my keyholder by default when I put the key in her car or handbag.

“Serves you right”, she hooted with laughter, and hung up.

It is now 11pm on Sunday night. She hasn’t come home or phoned again, but about an hour ago I received a short text. “I’m even!” it said.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Can you see any reason why I should stop again - Saturday

This morning I overheard Heather on the telephone making arrangements for next weekend and I am sure that she is planning something, and I am in for another weekend of subspace experience.

This goes back to my tale from July 2007 “Can you see any reason why I should stop?”, which described when Heather finally took the plunge after much prompting from me and had a bit of a fling with another member of the choir she used to sing in. Much to my disappointment, she didn’t actually keep up with the affair, after initially saying that she would. She said that although she and the choir colleague had both enjoyed it, it was getting too complicated keeping it up without other members of the choir getting to know, and she was worried for our standing in the community if the others started talking about it. She actually kept up the pretence with me for about three months, during which she made me her sex slave and I hardly got to come at all and was almost permanently in my CB3000. Eventually though she wanted a dick inside her, and had to admit to me that she wasn’t actually getting serviced by her colleague and so normal sexual relationships were resumed, much to my relief on one hand and disappointment on the other. Anyway, Heather has not strayed since then, definitely much to my disappointment.

Since then, I have taken early redundancy and we have moved to live in what was our holiday cottage some distance away, so Heather has joined another choir locally to where we now live, and any chance of any further trysts with the fellow choir member that she fancied appeared to have disappeared. Or so I thought!

She has kept in touch with a number of her former choir friends, and a couple of months ago one of them, also an alto, came to stay for a couple of days and they chatted for hours about what was going on. Heather was obviously very nostalgic and saying how she missed her old choir friends, and this friend mentioned that a number of the people from their choir were going to a singing weekend with members of other choirs which is an annual event held in a conference hotel in the west country and suggested Heather might like to join them. I could see Heather was attracted to the idea, so I encouraged her to apply, and she managed to get one of the last places on the course, and arranged to share a twin bedded room with one of the other lady singers that she knows.

Which brings us back to today and the phone call Heather has just had making arrangements.

Heather did not know I had come back from the DIY shop and I heard her pick up the phone immediately it rang. I started to go through to see if the call was for me, but as I reached hearing distance I could hear that it was obviously for her, and was just walking away again when something she said made me stay listening in.

It was clear that the person that she was going to share a room with had dropped out, and it was the organiser calling Heather to re-arrange the room booking. The thing that caught my attention was when Heather responded that she was happy to keep the double room, as it was possible that I may be coming with her, so could she swap from a twin bedded room to a double bedded room. That clearly worked well for the organiser, who could now use the twin room to enable two singles to have their own beds rather than having to double up.

The reason that this exchange caught my attention was that I was not going with Heather, never had been, and Heather knew that I was committed to staying at home because of some voluntary work I was doing!

I was just about to say something, when the penny dropped and I held myself in check. When I had been encouraging Heather to go on this weekend course, I had not thought about her previous affair and that her partner in that affair could also be going on the same course.

I crept back out of the house and came back in banging the door and calling out “I’m back” to Heather.

After lunch, Heather indicated that she was up for a bit of love making, and just the way that she flirted with me made me pretty sure that something other than an imminent session with me was turning her on.

Now, as I said in my previous story, Heather knows about my chastity fetish and my liking to lock myself up in a CB3000 from time to time, but after the end of her previous affair (during which she made me stay in chastity for nearly three months without admitting that she had ended the affair!), she lost interest in my chastity desires and made it clear that she was not interested in joining in any more. However, remembering that she had wanted me locked up while she had that previous affair gave me an idea.

“Heather Darling”.

“Yes Bill”.

“You know that I’m very overweight after Christmas”, I said to her.

“Yes Bill, and you really need to shift some of that gut”, she replied sympathetically!

“I thought that I might lock myself in my Chastity Belt and ask you to look after the key, and not let me out again until I have got back down to thirteen stone again”, I said looking her straight in the eye.

Heather’s initial reaction started off as peeved, but very quickly something obviously clicked with her and she replied “That’s a good idea Bill, and you almost certainly will not have lost that weight before next weekend when I’m away at the singing course, so I will be certain that you won’t be playing around behind my back”. Although Heather never really believes I would cheat on her (and I wouldn’t), she knows that this makes a good justification in both of our fantasies.

Bingo! Now I was absolutely certain that Heather was planning to cuckold me again. It now only was a matter of time before she asked my permission (if ask is the right term!). I was certain that she would never cheat on me, but with my consent that would be another matter.

Now it was her turn to surprise me. “Why don’t you put it on now, and bring me the key in bed. You can give yourself some incentive to lose all that weight by giving me a good licking out and being denied yourself!”

Leaving Heather heading off to the bedroom, I went to my study and dug my new CB6000S which has now replaced my trusty old (and now worn out) CB3000. I like the CB6000. It is the most comfortable of all the devices I have tried over the years, and the CB6000S is about an inch shorter than the CB6000 which both fits me like a glove and also is so compact that it really doesn’t show under even tightish clothes.

Suspecting that I may be in it for a while, I applied E45 cream to my balls and dick and fitted the CB6000S with a slightly bigger ring than I use when I know I can let myself out at any time! I then put my undershorts back on and headed for the bedroom.

Heather had already started with her favourite vibrator but stopped and grinned at my shorts. “Take ‘em off, she demanded”, and as I handed her the key and embarrassedly obeyed she started to grin. “Now get to work with your tongue, but in a 69 position so that I can look at Percy cramped in that thing while I go off”.

Wow! Now any possible lingering doubt that she was up to something was obliterated. She had not wanted to see my CB at all in the last two years since her last affair, and now she wanted to inspect it closely in action!

I got to work with my tongue, and finding Heather incredibly wet herself I swelled in real discomfort and dribbled pre cum like mad as I was rewarded by having my balls fondled by Heather and her yelling as she had a really strong orgasm. Heather is normally a quiet cummer! Then she indicated that I should turn around and lie beside her, which I did, while she snuggled against me and CB in hand drifted off to sleep for half an hour while I throbbed with frustration and excitement.

The rest of the day has been as normal, apart from me being locked up in my CB while Heather knowingly has the key on a chain around her neck, and I’m wondering if and when she is going to say anything about next weekend.


As we went to bed last night, I couldn’t resist asking Heather whether her lover from 2007 would be there next weekend.

“I don’t know for certain”, she answered, “but would you mind if he is?” she replied.

“No”, I replied, “I thought that something was getting you all horny after lunch and since the only other time you have been prepared to play CB games with me was when you were shagging with him, I kind of guessed he might be there”.

Heather hit me with a pillow. “You bastard”, she said with a laugh. “You know me too well Bill. I was wondering when and how to ask your permission, but I guess your suggestion about your toy and your useless erection squishing against the sides of that thing and your performance with me this afternoon all says that I have your permission”.

“Do I have a choice”, I replied.

“Yes”, Heather answered. “You know you do, but if you give me another licking out right now, then I’ll take it as your permission to go ahead – although I was telling you the truth when I said that I don’t know for certain”.

I searched for the logic in this. If I gave her another orgasm, while I stayed locked up and denied, then she would take it as my express permission to take a lover. Some female logic! But Heather also knows me well, and knows I love licking her.

Duly, I got to work with my tongue, and assuming that she wanted to watch my discomfort again, was rewarded with a flick of Heather’s tongue around my balls and the tip of Percy sticking painfully through the gap at the end of the CB6000S, as Heather had another noisy orgasm.

She sighed contentedly, and snuggled up against me for a few minutes before drifting off to sleep while I tossed around waiting for Percy to subside enough to get myself to sleep.

After lunch Heather asked me if I would like to perform again. Three times in 24 hours is very unusual for Heather, and I teased her with pointing it out.

“Amazing what happens when I don’t have to suffer your Percy being shoved up me” was her reply.

Despite the insult (or maybe because of it, as her insult caused an almost instant erection, as I suspect she knew it would), I duly obliged although this time with my finger rather than my tongue, although Heather’s noisy conclusion sounded just as intense.

“That’s it”, said Heather after waking from her post orgasmic snooze. “No more sex before I go away next weekend, I want to save myself for that now”

“And what happens if he isn’t there”, I asked.

“I’ll have to make myself go off”, she replied.

“And how will you be able to do that if you are sharing a room with another woman?” I asked innocently.

Heather had the grace to look a bit embarrassed as she confessed that she would have a double room to herself.


So much for “No more sex before I go away next weekend”. Should have been “No more sex for you before I go away next weekend!”.

Heather is obviously getting more turned on by thinking about what may happen next weekend than she was prepared for.

I woke up in the early hours of the morning to feel the bed shaking. Heather was obviously giving herself a good tickle and was clearly getting close to the point of no return. Now this was novel. Not only Heather getting turned on in the middle of the night, which tends to happen only once or twice a year nowadays, but she has always woken me up in the past, usually by fondling Percy to an erection and with the command to “come on and get that thing up me”!

Not this time. I stayed still just listening, with Percy getting very uncomfortable in my CB6000S, while Heather kept accelerating the pace until finally rocking gently and desperately trying to keep her gasps muted. It was so erotic I thought I was about to come in sympathy, but the pain of the rock hard erection in the CB prevented that.

Heather rolled back onto her side, and within 30 seconds was obviously back asleep. It took me about an hour to do the same.

When we woke up in the morning, I asked Heather casually as she was dressing “Did I feel you giving yourself a tickle in the middle of the night”.

“Maybe”, she replied (meaning “Yes, but I’m not gracing you with a straight admission”).

“What got you going”, I asked her.

“What do you think”, she replied with a sly smile.

It’s going to be a long week and an even longer weekend!


Heather has gone to her course. She left quite early yesterday morning after breakfast, because she was supposed to be there in time for lunch and then the course starting straight after lunch. We had both taken the day off, Heather because she needed to be at the course by lunchtime, me, because I didn’t think my brain would let me do any sensible work anyway, and since my job involves a lot of driving I didn’t think going into subspace while driving would be very wise.

When we got up, Heather had rather ruefully said that she fancied some love making, but we (note the we!), had decided not to make love again this week so she could “save herself”. Logical?

Anyway, first of all she gave me the key to my CB6000S and supervised me while I showered and washed both Percy and the CB6000S thoroughly.

“Since you will be locked up until I get back on Sunday, and I will have the key with me, I don’t want you getting sores or infections”, she said.

As I have said before, Heather has not been very keen on my use of the CB6000S, so her checking me over in this way has been quite a novelty, and an exciting one at that. But what happened next blew me away, and very nearly made me come spontaneously. Heather then took the padlock off me just as I was about to put it on, and carefully slotted it through the end of the locking pin, and then looking me straight in the eyes with the faintest of smiles and fondling my balls in one hand she snapped it firmly shut with her other hand and with what sounded like a very loud click.

Then she asked me to help her with her packing. This was another first because she usually hates me being around while she is packing to go away. I wondered what was going on and so I was not surprised when she started teasing me by asking me which underwear she should pack, and whether she should take a nightie or not.

She packed all the sexy underwear that she only ever wears just to turn me on – those are the ones I have bought her, but she rarely wears, complaining that they may be sexy but they are too uncomfortable.

She left a very slinky pink set of underwear out that I had bought her as a Valentine present from Ann Summers, and after getting me to soap her down in the shower and then massage her with one of her special Dior creams that I gave her for Christmas, she put her matching pink bra and panties together with a very unsuitable skirt and blouse – at least unsuitable for a serious singing weekend.

Quick breakfast, a dab of perfume behind each ear, and then she was off

I asked her to let me know when she was safely there, because it is quite a long drive from where we live down to the south coast, and the weather had been pretty horrid, and so I was pleased and amused to receive a text at about 12.30 merely saying “He’s here too”.

I tried to do some jobs around the house that I’d promised Heather that I would get done sometime, and succeeded in quite a number. I knew that would please her when she got home on Sunday evening. I think I watched some Television, but frankly spent most of my time in my fantasy land close to subspace.

Heather and I nearly always call each other at bedtime when either of us is away from home, and so I wasn’t expecting to hear from her until late. Mind you, the evening was wonderfully exciting as I let my imagination run amok about what Heather might be doing. I was feeling horribly frustrated after a week in the CB, and was very tempted to try and get some relief, but everything I tried just left me feeling uncomfortable, sore and even more frustrated. The closest I came to success was playing the shower over my balls when showering ready for bed.

The phone call finally came at about 11.30pm.

Despite all my exotic imagining about what Heather might have been up to, nothing had happened at all.

“The course ran right through until 10pm, doing a full day’s work and only stopping for a quick dinner – we did theory all afternoon and then split into groups for some practise work after dinner – and no, HE was not in my practise group”, she told me.

“So what have you been doing for the last hour and a half”, I asked hopefully.

“I’ve been in the bar with the rest of all my old friends, swapping news”, she said, and then reeled off a list of about 20 names of people that she used to sing with in the old choir who had also gone on the course. I listened intently for any stressed syllables to give me any indication which one was her sexual partner, but she either didn’t list his name or else hid it well.

“Was HE there in the bar”, I asked.

“Yes”, she replied.

“And?” I asked.

“And nothing”, she replied and continued, “We didn’t get a chance to make any assignment, and since he wasn’t expecting to see me I wasn’t going to be an absolute tart and throw myself at him”

“Better leave your door unlocked”, I said. “Did you tell him your room number?”

“No I didn’t”, she said, “But he saw which room I am in, as we all came up to bed at the same time – however he doesn’t know that I’m not sharing with someone else”.

“So what now?” I asked.

“We’ll see what happens tomorrow”, she replied. “We are working all day, but finishing at 5pm and then there is a relaxed course dinner tomorrow night, and we will be in the bar both before and after that”

“In the meanwhile, I think I fancy using my vibrator”, she said.

I asked Heather to call me back when she was in bed and ready for her tickle. About 10 minutes later she called back and I persuaded her to leave the phone turned on by the bed while she pleasured herself. With a chuckle she asked “Are you still locked up”, to which I reminded her that she had the only key in her possession.

“What’s in this for you then?” she asked, “you can’t even join in”.

“That’s what’s exciting”, I replied.

“You mad foolish boy”, she said, “Well here goes”.

She was obviously under the duvet as I could only just hear her vibrator, but it only lasted about three minutes anyway before I heard her characteristic moaning, shortly followed by a click as she disconnected the phone call, no doubt to drift off to sleep in her post orgasmic haze.

I was very uncomfortable, with Percy really solidly pushing against the walls of the CB6000S, but I compounded the pain as I must admit that I spent part of the night fantasising about Heather leaving her door unlocked and ...!

Can you see any reason why I should stop again – Sunday

I’m a nervous wreck. I was expecting Heather to call me some time in the morning to tell me what was happening, but I didn’t get a phone call until around 10pm by which time my imagination and my frustration was at a massive level. A friend phoned up and asked me if I’d like to go round for dinner, as he knew Heather was away, but since I fancy his wife and was already leaking pre-cum like mad I thought I might embarrass myself and so declined.

Just as well, as I would have still been out when Heather phoned, and she was keen to get my approval for her plans for the evening.

“We have had dinner, and what with the wine at dinner and drinks in the bar before and after, I am feeling very mellow”, she informed me, “and HE has been flirting with me whenever the others have not been watching”, she added.

“I think, if I were to tell him that I have the double room to myself then he would be interested. Are you OK with that Bill?”

“And if I’m not?” I teased.

“Tough” she replied, “because I’m pretty much already past the point of no return.

“Any chance of leaving the phone on?” I asked.

“I’m not sure”, she replied, “I don’t want you recognising his voice”.

“Then tell him that the walls are paper thin, so not to talk”, I advised her.

“We’ll see then”, she replied, “Just answer the phone and don’t say anything if I do call, and if I don’t then sweet dreams”

“Not much point in me wishing you sweet dreams”, I replied, “because it doesn’t sound like you’ll be getting much sleep”. Then with “I love you” from each of us to the other we rang off.

I hurried to shower and get into bed because I wanted to be ready for Heather’s possible call.

As I lay there with the phone beside me, I started to fantasise about Heather’s activities and sometime along the way disappeared into the semi dreamlike euphoric state of sub space. I was imagining my lovely wife cuckolding me and wondered as the time went on if she was even thinking of me as she made passionate love to this man. I certainly thought she had forgotten about me as the clock ticked around first one hour, then two and finally three. It was now after 1am and I had still not gone properly to sleep but was having one of the mentally most exciting nights of my life.

With a sudden shock I heard the phone ring and I grabbed it. Almost automatically I was about to say “Bill here”, when I remembered Heather’s instruction and looking at the screen saw it was indeed Heather’s mobile phone.

I heard a clatter, which I took to be Heather setting down the phone on her bedside table, and then the distant sound of a toilet flushing and I realised that HE must have gone to the loo. Did that mean that they hadn’t done anything yet or was he just cleaning off afterwards.

I soon got my answer.

“Come on big boy, I fancy a re-run”, I heard Heather say.

“A third time”, I heard the reply, “Doesn’t that Husband of yours satisfy you”.

“Normally”, I heard Heather say, “But I’ve had his tiny little cock locked up for a week in anticipation of having another session with your big weapon”, she continued.

Ouch! I’d never heard Heather complain about my size before, and now I was powerless to do anything about it. I wondered about shouting down the phone, but then realised that I was throbbing with more sexual excitement than I had ever felt in my life and more than anything I wanted to hear him giving my wife the satisfaction she always deserved, so I kept quiet and was rewarded by hearing passionate kissing noises, followed by a distinct squelch and a gasp from Heather which could only mean one thing.

I then heard rhythmic noises and it suddenly dawned on me that HE was taking Heather to her orgasm using only his cock. I realised that Heather might have not just been teasing me about my size with her “tiny little cock” comment, as we have always relied on her using her vibrator to get her to her orgasm whenever we make love.

I lay there doing everything I could to join the tangible rise to a sexual peak that was coming down the phone, by tweaking my nipples and stroking the sensitive area under my balls. But try as I could the constraint of the CB6000S was doing what it was supposed to do and was preventing me from getting a strong enough erection to cum myself.

The sounds got more and more frenzied until I finally heard Heather’s characteristic cumming sounds, but at a pitch and volume of 10 out of 10, where by comparison my efforts only achieved a 3 out of 10. That was shortly followed by the sound if HIM grunting and I realised he was emptying his balls into my lovely wife.

I wondered if she was using any protection!

“Come on big boy, fill me with your cum”, I heard her say. I guess I had my answer.

I heard the sounds of contentment that I recognise as Heather’s post coital relaxation, and then the same click as the previous night as the phone was disconnected.

Wow – am I looking forward to Heather getting home and giving me the whole story.


It’s three o’clock Monday morning, and I can not sleep.

Heather phoned me about 8.30am and asked how I was feeling. I told her that I hadn’t slept much, but how much I had enjoyed my subspace experience of imagining what she was up to.

“Well, that’s OK then”, she said, “because I’m sore and now that HE’s gone back to his room to get showered, I’m just about to have a bath to try and relieve my tender parts. Then I have another full day’s work. We finish about 4pm, and I will be straight home. Should arrive about 8.30pm. I love you”

“I love you too. And thank you”, I replied as she hung up.

The day seemed pretty tame as it was difficult getting excited about her doing her course, and so I spent most of the day catching up with our accounts. Little did I know what she was getting up to. Anyway, about 6pm I got a text saying “Just leaving, c u at 10”.

What had she been doing for the last two hours? They were supposed to finish at 4pm.

I sat down and wrote yesterday’s blog, watched Pretty Woman again, and then started to make supper for when she arrived.

Heather breezed in looking absolutely glowing almost exactly on 10pm as she had promised, and gave me a really warm kiss during which she fondled me through my trousers in the way I know she does when she wants to see if I am still wearing my CB6000S.

Chuckling at her obvious check, I asked her why she was so late and whether she would like the supper I had prepared.

“Let’s leave the supper a while”, she replied, “and first I’ll show you why I was later leaving. Come on upstairs with me.”

I duly followed her up, and when we got to the bedroom she told me to get undressed and lie down on the bed. I had a funny idea that I knew what was coming and Percy started to rise uncomfortably.

“Come on”, she demanded, starting to sound a bit annoyed as I took my time. “I want to see that you are still locked up and haven’t been playing or relieving yourself while I’ve been away”.

I complied, and lay down on the bed naked except for my CB6000S.

Heather examined the package, tugged hard to satisfy herself that I was rock solid and also apparently looking to make sure that I couldn’t have got out.

Satisfied, she started to peel her clothes off bit by bit, finally ending up standing naked except for her tights and knickers.

With an obvious flourish that was intended to say “watch carefully”, she peeled off one pair of tights and much to my surprise then a second pair that she had been wearing underneath. I could see that she also had two pairs of knickers on.

She climbed onto the bed, then stood above my head and then pulled down her knickers and stood astride me with her legs apart clearly revealing the reason she had been wearing two pairs of knickers and two pairs of tights.

Her pussy lips were still gaping, and with the padding all removed, clear globs of white cum were beginning to appear and run down her thighs. As one drop detached and dropped onto my face, Heather took this as her cue and turning round to face my feet she crouched down firmly placing her pussy over my mouth.

“The Conference Centre said that they didn’t need the rooms until Monday, so we could leave our stuff in them until we left, and so it seemed like such a good opportunity, and since I’m likely never to see HIM again, we made use of the bedroom at lunchtime and then carefully planned this reward package for you which HE obliged with twice after the course finished and before we parted. It was his idea to package it all up for you, although I had to give him my pink Knickers as a souvenir as his reward”.

And wriggling her pussy, she started to give me instructions to enjoy her present and clean her up properly. As I got to work, Heather came noisily, squeezing out more cum in the process, and then rewarded me by leaning forward and running her tongue up and down the area beneath my balls that is so nicely presented up by wearing the CB6000S.

That was it for me – I started to feel my own cum rising despite the agony of my erection being squeezed inside the CB6000S.

“I’m cumming”, I gasped, nearly suffocating under her pussy.

“Oh no you don’t”, replied Heather, removing her tongue and grabbing my balls hard in her hand.

“You clearly have not reached your target weight yet, and I’m not spoiling all your motivation by letting you cum now”.

That’s why I’m still awake at 3am with the worst case of Blue Balls I’ve had since I was seventeen.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

My modest five

Over the last few years I have slowly been able to persuade my lovely wife Heather that her orgasm is the most important thing in our lovemaking. She admitted that she never particularly found my entering her very exciting, and on many occasions complained that it only made her uncomfortable and (even worse) that having to “clean up the mess afterwards” spoiled her just being able to drift off to sleep. So over time her favourite position has evolved to having me lie alongside her, caressing her breasts with my free hand and with my erect Percy rubbing against her thigh where she nearly always grasps it in her left hand as she guides her favourite vibrator in her right to bring her to orgasm.

After her own orgasm, at first she would always ask me if I would like to cum myself, either wanking me, or getting me to continue to rub myself against her side until I came, or persuading me to wank myself. Heather has always been loving and considerate, and would never say anything, but I could see that all she really wanted to do was snuggle down, and my cumming rather spoiled her basking in the afterglow and drifting quietly to sleep. Slowly over the last couple of years I persuaded her that I didn’t need to cum every time, and we moved to once a week, then once a fortnight and eventually to the point where I only came when the pressure became too much and I would spontaneously cum against her thigh, usually a she reached her own orgasm.

About once every three months, she would ask me to enter her, saying that she fancied the entirely different sensations, and although she would take much longer to cum, she would always cum more strongly and I nearly always came with her.

Astonishingly, I actually found that I really enjoyed being her sex slave in this manner, and that the frustration and sexual build up kept me feeling horny all the time. I found that I was far more attentive to Heather in every way, and my constant horniness made her respond to the point where we were making out as frequently as we had done in our first year or so of marriage. When we discussed this, she admitted that the focus on making the experience exactly what she enjoyed best was making her far more interested in responding than she had done for years.

So, to the last eighteen months.

Just after Christmas before last, I developed an infection in my apparatus and the subsequent investigation revealed a condition which while curable, would take quite some time, and the treatment meant that I should avoid both erections, but especially cumming. Cumming would be very painful, and a full blown erection would set back the delicate recovery of my apparatus generally.

We were horrified, as despite having been married 30 years, our new found lovemaking meant that we had been making love at least four times a week and usually every day (sometimes twice) when on holiday.

Initially I persuaded Heather to attend to her own needs during the day when I was out at work, or at weekends (or the occasional time when she felt really randy at bedtime), then to go to the bedroom on her own and use her vibrator alone.

However this didn’t work at all well for two reasons. The first was that over the years Heather had only very rarely made herself Cum without me turning her on first and me being there as part of the whole experience. She found that being on her own just didn’t work for her. The second was that I got a raging hard on thinking about her pleasuring herself, which was not helping my recovery at all.

The solution came in the guise of a CB6000 chastity cage that I had bought on a whim a couple of years earlier, and which Heather had disliked intensely so we had never used it. She thought that I had thrown it away, but I had hung onto it and had used it when I was away on business trips to stop me masturbating.

I hesitatingly told Heather that I thought I had a solution to our problem, and since she was beginning to feel quite frustrated at the situation herself, she didn’t blow me out when I sheepishly admitted that I still had the CB6000 and explained to her how it might work.

It did work. Perfectly.

We resumed our normal lovemaking, with me donning the CB6000 as we headed towards the bedroom (or even earlier in an attempt to get it on before the inevitable erection had a chance to get going). Snuggled up against her thigh in the usual position, she could now hang onto the cage as I lay against her. The CB6000 prevented me from getting a full blown erection and the limited one I could get did not appear enough to damage the healing process. Furthermore, the lack of sensation or ability to rub against her thighs meant that I didn’t have the painful orgasms that I had been warned about.

That worked for about three months, until one night Heather told me after we had made love, and unusually she had abandoned the process before she had her orgasm, that for the last few times she had been really fancying having me inside her, and because she couldn’t have me then each time we made love her craving was getting worse and worse to the point of her feeling so frustrated that she had not been able to cum without me up her.

Heather has never liked sex toys, which was one of her reasons for originally hating the CB6000. She had only taken to the vibrator out of the necessity to have speedy orgasms when the kids were young and could interrupt at any time. Anything else, such as dildos or bunny’s just never appealed to her. However, after a bit of research I persuaded her to let me buy a strap on dildo with a fairly unobtrusive harness. It was designed for men, and had a strap underneath the dlido mount to hold the man’s real cock and balls out of the way. After poring over the choice of dildo to clip onto the belt, we chose one that Heather felt looked most like mine and appeared to be the same size.

When it arrived in the post, a couple of days later on a Saturday morning while we were still lying in bed, Heather wanted to try it literally straight away. We often make love on a Saturday morning, a pleasure that started when we first met and were both working and continued after we had kids, because they both went to a private school that had Saturday morning lessons and Saturday afternoon sport.

However when we opened it we discovered that the dildo was considerably larger than we had thought from the picture (it turned out to be 7” long, against my modest 5”, and a similar increase in girth).

However, Heather had by now gotten herself so turned on that she decided to try it anyway, and having already donned the CB6000 before the postman had delivered the parcel, I proceeded to strap on the harness and clip the dildo in place while Heather looked on with amusement first at my caged apparatus being strapped underneath the harness, and then wide eyed as I clipped the dildo on.

I was soon alongside her, and she grasped the dildo pressed against her thigh in exactly the same way as she used to grasp Percy. She had chosen one in which the head was made out of a softish material which felt quite skin like, but the shaft (of necessity) was more rigid. As she started to build up using her vibrator she commented on how life-like it felt and told me to get some lubrication on it and put it to work.

The next few minutes were some of the most bizarre and erotic I have ever had in my life. My dear wife was lying on the bed in the warm morning sunlight, with her legs apart and her eyes half closed, and her vibrator playing over her clit as I positioned myself above her and slowly slid the well lubricated dildo into her waiting pussy.

It was crazy – I could see her eyes and mouth go wide in an expression of both sheer pleasure and amazement as the dldo slid into her, but I could not feel anything at all. Then almost immediately her face screwed up and her eyes closed and she screamed as she started to hump and grind her pussy against the dildo, pushing herself against the CB6000 as she tried to get more and more of it inside herself, cumming like I had never seen her cum before. And while she was getting off so conclusively on the feeling of my surrogate prick, I was feeling nothing at all except the pressure of Percy straining against the inside of the CB6000.

Heather had never ever had multiple orgasms, and always begged me not to touch her sensitive areas for at least fifteen minutes after she had her single short orgasm in the past, but now she just kept on cumming for what seemed like hours, but must have been about ten minutes. Every time I started to slow down or pull out, she would grab my arse with her spare hand and pull me back in deeper.

Eventually she quietened down and sensing that I slowed my thrusting down and just lay between her legs. A pool of pre-cum had accumulated in the end of the CB6000 and on my thighs and the sheets I had gotten so excited myself. She asked me to pull out and come and lie beside her again, which I did, and she grasped the dildo as it pressed against her side, grinned at me and then closed her eyes and went to sleep.

I didn’t dare move and disturb her, and she stayed asleep for nearly an hour and then woke up complaining that she was sore!

The dildo became part of our regular sex, but instead of wanting me inside her once every three months, it quickly became a common occurrence that she would want me to don the harness and dildo and satisfy her that way. I think it would have been every time apart from the fact that it was a bit of a hassle and made the love making sessions much longer, so weekday evenings we continued our former pattern of my lying beside her while she used her vibrator for a quick fix. Certainly when we went on holiday, the harness and dildo went with us and were employed at least daily and sometimes twice a day, only being set aside because she complained of being sore.

During these sessions, particularly if I could see her really getting off on the dildo, I would get so excited myself that I would cum spontaneously. At first it was agonising, as the doctor had warned, and I tried hard not to let it happen. As the months passed it became less painful as I healed, and eventually the pleasure outweighed the pain, but I still stayed locked up so that I would not gain full erections and possibly set the healing back again.

Then, three months ago the doctors pronounced me fully fit and told me that we could resume normal sex again.

Heather pretended to be delighted for me, and we celebrated by her letting me have normal sex with her for the first time in eighteen months. I could see from her expression that it was a disappointment to her and I could see that she hardly felt my five inches after her seven inch dildo had stretched her over the preceding year and a half. It wasn’t helped at all by the fact that I came in seconds, leaving her needing to finish off with her vibrator as I flopped out in a puddle of cum.

Heather insisted that we throw the dildo out, saying that we no longer needed it, and she made every effort to resume service as normal. But her orgasms were tame compared to what they had been like in the previous year, and our frequency fell right off.

Eventually, I managed to get her to talk about it after filling her up with the best part of a bottle of Chablis, and she admitted that she really missed the penetration and the size, and neither my lying beside her nor my five inches was working any more.

I immediately offered to buy a replacement dildo and resume using that, but she refused saying that the dildo had been OK as long as she had known it was a temporary stand-in because I was out of action, but she did not want to be using an artificial dick for the rest of our sex life together.

So, following her logic, I started trying to persuade her to take on a lover who had the necessary tackle to fit the need. Being Heather, that was initially out of the question, but a few weeks on and bedtime persuasion from me on top of and ever dwindling cellar of Chablis has been testing her resolve to the point where she told me last week that Chris, one of her schoolteacher work colleagues, who she had always liked, has gained a staffroom reputation for being well endowed.

I would never have ever expected her to even think of anyone else in those terms previously, but my persuading was obviously bearing fruit.

We bumped into him in the high street a couple of days after this revelation, and I suggested that we ask him over for dinner next week. Heather gave me a withering glare, but didn’t try and wriggle out of it and duly invited him. She gave me a hard time when we got home, and has said outright that there is no way that she would consider sleeping with him, but the seed is sown and I could see a distant look in her eyes as we discussed it. So he is coming on Thursday evening at 7pm, and I just happen to have forgotten that I have to be out at a work engagement that evening.

The cellar is restocked with Chablis and I have bought her a really attractive new slinky outfit which she has agreed to wear only because I will be there to chaperone her.

Pity I’ll have to phone up at 7.15 after he’s arrived, she’s dolled up and the food and drink are ready, and admit I’m tied up at work ‘till late.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Home and Away

I recently started a new job, unfortunately a long way from home, and since it really isn’t a great time to try and sell a house at the moment, I am in lodgings during the week, and only going home at weekends.

Heather, my lovely wife, came with me to check over the lodgings that the personnel department at the new job suggested, and although the lodgings themselves are perfect, she was horrified to find that the landlady is a young, very attractive divorcee. She was further horrified to find that the city has a very large university population, and with the university being fundamentally arts oriented, there are a larger proportion of very attractive young girls than normal. The final nail in the coffin came when we called in to meet my new boss and Heather discovered that Chris was short for Christine rather than Christopher, and that Chris is about 40 and also pretty attractive.

When we arrived home, Heather firmly stated her piece. Since we have been regular four times a week people, and even more on holiday, Heather was very concerned about me being on my own from Monday to Friday especially with all that temptation around. To say that she was concerned was an understatement. She even suggested that I might give up the job, but since jobs in my sector are not easy to come by, we decided to look for another solution.

One idea was for Heather to come with me, but as I have said, selling the house looked difficult and a combination of her leaving her part time job, and incurring more costs of renting a flat for two, rather than midweek lodgings for one, made it too expensive. I suggested what I thought to be a very practical idea, which was that we should make sure we had plenty of sex at the weekends when I was home, and then I would be sure not to be tempted during the week. However, Heather was still unsure that this would be sufficient. That is when I made my big mistake, and reminded her of the CB6000 chastity cage that I’d bought some time earlier and that we had played with on and off (mostly off, because Heather was not enthusiastic about chastity play).

“Don’t be silly” was Heather’s response to that, and so we left the subject in abeyance.

Over the next couple of days, as the time for me to start the new job came round, Heather was increasingly agitated and frosty, and then on the Friday night just before I was due to start the job on the Monday, she said “Were you serious about wearing that Chastity device all week?”

I must admit to have been gobsmacked by the question, and stood there with my mouth open for a while, before finally realising that one of my fantasies was about to be realised, and hastily responded (but careful not to be too enthusiastic in case Heather got worried) with an affirmative.

We agreed that Heather would service me well over the weekends and then lock me in on Monday morning with one of the plastic tags rather than a padlock, as I was expecting to have to fly off at short notice to solve customer problems all over Europe, and we couldn’t risk the padlock and the airport scanners.

Monday came around, and off I went suitably locked up!

The job was great fun, and so I didn’t dwell too much on the CB during that first week. I was always very horny talking to Heather each night on the phone as we both lay in bed at opposite ends of the country. It was not helped by Heather’s slight teasing questioning about whether I was still locked up, and that she expected to see the tag with the same number on it intact when I came home on Friday evening.

The first Friday evening came, and Heather was able to check the number to her satisfaction and consequently snipped the tag off, and serviced me as planned all over the weekend.

The following week the same pattern was repeated, and I was getting quite used to this as we moved into the third week which was when things started to vary from the plan.

When I got back on Friday night Heather told ld me that she had felt sexy on the Wednesday after we had had our usual bedtime chat, and so had used her favourite vibrator. Did I mind?

Now, as well as having this fantasy about Heather locking me up, I have also had this ongoing fantasy about her getting sexually fulfilled by an Alpha male (I‘m definitely a beta). I immediately visualised her not just using her vibrator, but imagined a lover as well, and since she was snuggling me at the time and could clearly feel Percy twitch as she asked me, she decided (rightly) that I didn’t mind, and getting herself turned on recounting her tale, checked the tag and then let me out for some fun.

The following week, she admitted to having done the same twice, and getting the same response from Percy was obviously pleased and relaxed about it. I did not at this stage admit to her my fantasies about the lover, as I thought she might get annoyed and either stop her pleasuring herself, or at least stop telling me about it! Once again, she got excited telling me and once again we had some great sex.

So far, no problem. Right?. Wrong!

The following weekend when I got home, instead of letting me out on the Friday night, she said that she had used her vibrator every night while I was away, each time imaging me lying frustrated in my Chastity Cage and was actually feeling a bit battered and bruised and not feeling at all in need of making love.

“What about me!”, I demanded, a little petulantly.

“Well, I’m not letting you come in me, because I’m sore and I don’t feel aroused or interested”, Heather replied, “and I don’t fancy you messing up the bed spraying a week’s worth of cum all over”.

End of story!

Although I as frustrated by this, I also got a big thrill from Heather’s new dominant sexual assertion, so I shut up, and we went to sleep in each other’s arms, with me still sporting a well caged hard on which lasted all night!

Saturday afternoon is one of our favourite times for love making, and Heather relented on Saturday, and let me out for a good session.

Monday, once again, off I went duly caged. The week seemed very long, because each night as we talked Heather started to tease me more and more, and even started to use her vibrator while we were still talking. I got very aroused and frustrated hearing her pants and moans as it did its reliable job.

At the weekend, she repeated the denial on the Friday night, but normal service was resumed again on Saturday and Sunday. Not too bad for me, as I had been rather enjoying both Heather’s teasing during the week and her new sexual assertiveness, so missing Friday night’s release was a price worth paying for that.

The intensity of these evening sessions apart grew even more the following week and all pretence at modesty was dropped by Heather who openly teased me on the phone each night and subjected me to listening to her using her vibrator and coming noisily, only punctuated by her asked breathlessly whether I was still locked up safely and whether I was feeling uncomfortable and frustrated. Then Friday came around, and when I got home I was half expecting a repeat of the previous Friday’s denial, but was not expecting what transpired!

When we got to bed, Heather grabbed hold of my caged Percy and demanded that I lie there “while I tickle myself off”!

“I have been imagining you all caged up as I have tickled myself each night this week”, she said, “and now I want to feel your frustration and discomfort as I do it”.

Now this was a radical departure in behaviour for Heather, and for me the sensation was electric. I could feel her orgasm building and building as she lay there with her eyes closed, me nestling against her left thigh, and with her left hand firmly grasped around the Chastity Cage, whilst her right hand manipulated the her favourite vibrator.

She repeated the exercise on the Saturday afternoon and the Saturday evening, only relenting and finally giving me release on Sunday evening in preparation for the following week.

Now, this was beginning to get to me. I had gone down from four times a week to just one, and Heather had gone up from four times a week to eight! I didn’t mind her eight times, in fact I was in many ways delighted that she was getting so sexy, but I was getting pretty frustrated, and having a sexy landlady, a sexy boss and all the nubile students around was definitely not helping.

Fortunately my boss and I had build a professional and respectful relationship by now, and there was not the slightest chance of anything happening there, but on the days when she wore a low cut blouse or had plenty of thigh on show, I was grateful that the Chastity Cage was confining what would otherwise have been a noticeable bulge!

My landlady was different though. For some reason, she had sensed both that I was attracted to her. She could sense that I was getting increasingly agitated by her teasing but clearly wouldn’t do anything about it (she hadn’t realised that it was couldn’t as well as wouldn’t!). As a result she would flirt outrageously with me. Over breakfast, she would appear in her dressing gown whereas she had always been dressed to start off with. She would then make sure she leaned over the table to serve me my eggs and bacon, letting the top of her dressing gown to reveal that she didn’t wear anything in bed!

More than once, I came across her on the landing in the evening wearing only a bra and pants as she went to the family bathroom. I had the only en-suite bathroom, which was just as well, as I hate to think what her response would have been if she had seen e wandering around dressed only in my Chastity Cage, as I sleep in the raw always.

Anyway, back to Heather and the progression.

That week ended up much the same as the previous one, with Heather apparently deciding that what she had done the previous Friday and Saturday was an acceptable part of the routine, so she repeated it again, seemingly really getting off on holding on to the tangible proof of my frustration whilst she had ever stronger, longer and louder orgasms.

When on the Sunday, she teasingly suggested that she might keep me locked up yet again while she tickled herself, I made the mistake of blurting out about the temptations of the previous week intending to make her anxious to give me a good servicing. It backfired however, as Heather was furious, suggesting that she had been completely right insisting that I should be in the Chastity Cage, and refused to make love at all. I remonstrated, reminding her that I had not been unfaithful to her in any way, and wouldn’t have been titillated in this way if she hadn’t left me feeling under-satisfied the previous week.

She had calmed down by the time I left on Monday morning, but I still left home on Monday without any sexual relief and facing a second week caged up.

Much to my surprise, Heather didn’t do her sexy bit on the phone at bedtimes, and we just talked about our normal daily things. When I hinted at being sexy, she just grunted in a clear “not interested” manner. I was disappointed, but also felt that I needed to give her space and hoped we might get back to the previous pattern of chastity during the week and plenty of sex at the weekend. How wrong can you be?

That weekend, Heather did not appear very interested in making love, but grudgingly let me out for a short session at the end of the weekend.

Her lack of interest appeared to continue on our evening calls the following week, but when I arrived home on the Friday she was very strange at bedtime, and I sensed something was wrong.

We don’t keep secrets from each other, and it wasn’t long before it all came out.

She has always quite fancied a work colleague at the school she teaches at, and she admitted that she had realised that she not only needed to make love the four times a week that had been our previous pattern, but in more recent weeks she had realised that a) she actually could and did enjoy sex seven or eight times a week and b) she got a real thrill from teasing and denying me. And since I was not around to pay attention to her needs, she had accepted her colleague’s offer of a drink after school the previous Monday, which she had then allowed to turn into sex back at his flat. Not only that, but she had repeated the exercise every evening after school. No wonder she hadn’t been interested in phone sex with me!

Then she dropped the final bombshell, “and that includes today, as I had time before your flight got in. And so not only am I actually full of his cum right now, which is why I was reluctant to make love with you but also, having just had sex, I really don’t much feel like it with you!”. Ouch!

Apart from a couple of one night affairs, which were with my agreement (and even encouragement), Heather has not strayed independently, and hence her nervousness. All this was recounted to me while she hung on to my caged Percy and I’m afraid that Percy completely ruined any chance I had of being annoyed, by straining with a rock solid erection against the confines of his cage.

“I guess from the way this feels”, she said, hanging onto Percy, “that you are OK about this”.

What could I say.

The trouble is that Heather has now decided that not only does she enjoy the regular sex that I can not provide while since I am away all week, but actually she really gets off on thinking about me being locked up as she is making love with her “alpha male”. Not only that, but she now thoroughly enjoys telling me every detail of their evening love making when we have our nightly phone calls often needing to make herself cum again as she does so, and leaving me horribly frustrated as she comes audibly having described every nuance. Then at the weekends, she enjoys feeling me twitch and strain against the sides of the cage as she repeats the highlights of her adventures during the week.

It is now three months since I came inside her, and she only lets me out about once a month when I really beg her to let me

The problem is that I’m loving it. Not only being a cuckold to Heather, but feeling constantly frustrated and aroused by my landlady, my boss and all the tottie all around, and not being able to do anything about it!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

My Birthday Present

One night Heather and I were making love in what has become our usual pattern. After many years of encouraging her to focus on her own pleasure, she usually teases my Percy and balls gently until I am dripping pre-cum, all of which gets her turned on, and then she pleasures herself with her favourite vibrator in her right hand while keeping my Percy firmly held by her left hand, so she can feel my excitement growing as he heads towards her orgasm. After she has finished, she half heartedly asks me if she should wank me to completion, but far prefers to drift off straight to sleep, and that's what usually happens. I love the tease and denial, and she knows it and this works well for us. I get teased and denied, and go to sleep feeling well frustrated and very horny.

Heather also knows many of my other fantasies including the one of me being tied up and having to watch her pleasure herself from a chair at the bottom of the bed without being able to join in, and then being left tied there while she sleeps and I am left being able to do nothing about my frustration. She also knows that I fantasise about her being pleasured by other lovers, although in reality I am the only man she has ever slept with or even been naked with. Heather has always said she was neither interested in or liked my fantasises, and of all these, the only one we had tried is me being tied up, and that was only once as a special present. Heather said she didn't enjoy it, and so we have never repeated the scenario.

Anyway, back to the night in question. With this background, you can imagine my surprise when as well as teasing my Percy and balls she said, "Is this what you'd like then, to see me being pleasured by five men all at the same time. I suppose you'd like to be tied up at the end of the bed too and have to watch them all giving me pleasure?".

Quickly jumping into this, hardly believing my luck, I muttered "Oh Yes. And what are they doing to you?"

Heather replied "One is licking my toes, two sucking my breasts, one is kissing me deeply, running his tongue round my mouth and one is muff diving".

"Hang on a minute", I replied, "I didn't think you liked muff diving".

I love muff diving Heather, but she is not very keen for reasons I don't really understand. I nearly always bring her to a great orgasm whenever she does let me muff dive. And those times that I don't quickly succeed, then she gets so turned on that it only takes 30 seconds with her vibrator to finish the job off.

"I don't", she replied, "but this is your fantasy, not mine". Logical or what!

That was as far as the fantasy went that night, because she decided that she had teased me enough and finished her own arousal off with her vibrator and thence to sleep.

However, this had started something, and each time we made love I would ask her what her five lovers were up to now, and she would reply that they were my five fantasy men, not hers, but would go on to embellish the story a little more each time.

The basic plot remained the same, with me being tied up watching and the five men all making love to different parts of her body. Them all "filling her with their spunk" and "their spunk running down her legs", became the common theme. I talked about cleaning her up with my tongue afterwards, and although she didn't like me muff diving, this was added in to the scenario. I also added the idea that Percy should be locked up for this so that my inevitable erection while watching should be both useless and painful, and that I should not be able to ejaculate and certainly not climb on her and add my spunk to that of her lovers, even if I wanted to (which I could easily imagine to be the case, and so could Heather).

After about six months of this, my birthday was approaching, and when Heather asked what I wanted for my birthday present I said I wanted us to act out the scenario for real. Heather was dismissive, saying that firstly she couldn't imagine where we would find five men to oblige (good point), and secondly it would spoil the fantasy. However she did agree to tie me up at the bottom of the bed with a blindfold on, and then she lay out top of the bed herself and described the scenario in graphic detail while using her favourite vibrator. Heather is a good actress (we met in a drama group), so she painted a pretty good scene and it was a great birthday present.

Continuing to add to the fantasy over the next few months, we reverted back to the more familiar pattern of me lying beside her as she teased me with it. Then our wedding anniversary came around, and I again asked her to act out the scenario for real as my anniversary present. Heather repeated her dismissal, again rightly asking (rhetorically) where would we find five suitable men and that she wouldn't want to spoil the fantasy. But we did repeat the acting out, and I persuaded her to use a real cock shaped dildo during the performance so she could imagine being entered by each of the five men in turn. That added to her graphic description, but was slightly disappointing for me as I couldn't see it, and we decided that the next time I would not wear the blindfold (I could always shut my eyes if I wanted to).

Christmas was the next occasion, and the now familiar present request was followed by another performance, this time with a CB6000 cock cage on (which Heather didn't really like although she agreed to snap the lock shut with a satisfying and erotic click, and to hold the key) and without the blind. Without the blindfold this time, nothing was left to the unnecessary imagination as Heather described the scene graphically and I watched her pleasure herself with the dildo and her vibrator. All the while, Percy was uncomfortably straining against the CB6000 as I sat there impotently at the bottom of the bed, masochistically enjoying every second.

This was definitely the best of all and I told her so, adding that the only thing that would improve it would be the five men for real.

"Where on earth would we get them from", came her usual response, but I did notice that the usual dismissal on the basis that it would spoil the fantasy was missing.

Heather is an active member of a local ballroom dance group, and the following year my birthday coincided with a competition weekend away. The group usually perform at the competition and stay in a local hotel. This particular year, they were going to Edinburgh for the trip. As usual, I had asked for the fantasy act out as my present and so we had agreed to pack the ropes, CB6000, vibrator and dildo with the intention of giving me my present on my birthday in the hotel.

The weekend had gone well, with the group having been knocked out in the fourth round (a record for them in a national event), after two rounds on the Friday and two on the Saturday (my birthday), and so was having Sunday off before heading home on bank holiday Monday. As a result of their success we were all relaxing more than usual in the bar after dinner. As the evening went on, most of the couples and the single women had drifted off to bed, leaving just a small group of the single men still celebrating my birthday with Heather and me. Heather always enjoys these socials, showing off a bit to the men, one of whom I knew she liked a lot. Heather has about the best figure of all the women in the group, and although not the youngest by far, her innate style and looks always draws admiring glances from the men in the group. On this occasion she was also getting well oiled. I meanwhile was getting rather irritable as I wanted my birthday present, and from past experience with Heather could see that it was going to be almost impossible to separate her from the group until she had drunk so much she would pass out just as soon as I got her to bed.

After a while Heather snapped at me "Stop being so irritable. I know what you want, you just want your birthday present don't you?".

One of the men, Andy, the one that Heather particularly likes and so do I, immediately asked what my present was. We are both into gadgets, and I think he was expecting it to be something to add to the collection of gadgets. I looked embarrassed and stuttered something inane.

Heather, being well oiled came straight out with "He's expecting nookie, but as his birthday treat just wants to be tied up while he watches me masturbate!".

As you can imagine, at this, I felt myself redden in sheer embarrassment and wished I could disappear into the floor boards.

However Andy didn't even notice my embarrassment and looking straight at Heather said, "I'd enjoy watching that too".

I was so relieved at his response that I blurted out "Well, in that case why don't you join us and Heather can put on a show for us all", and then to the other two men added "and you are both welcome as well - it is part of the fantasy that Heather has five men joining in. You may not be five, but three will have to do!".

This time it was Heather's time to look shocked, but being a showman at the best of times and also well enough oiled to have lost her inhibitions, said "Well OK, but just to watch. Nothing more!".

Rather in silence, we finished our drinks and with various tentative "Are you sure?"s, we headed for our bedroom. Andy was still grasping a nearly full bottle of wine, and once in the room we poured wine into the plastic cups from the bathroom and sipped in embarrassment while Heather went to the bathroom.

After a few minutes, during which we had put on a porno film on the Hotel TV to relieve the atmosphere, Heather re-appeared in just her bra and pants, looking flushed, excited and nervous.

"I suppose you want to be tied up?", she asked me, and when I nodded "yes", she proceeded to describe what the fantasy was all about in full detail to the other s while getting me to strip, put on the CB6000 and tie me to the upright chair. I was still so embarrassed about the set-up that Percy was pretty shrivelled and easy to get into the CB6000. I ended up tied to the chair, feeling pretty stupid and beginning to wonder what I had let myself in for - could I ever face our dance friends again after this?

While doing this, her other paraphernalia (the vibrator, lubricating jelly and dildo) all came out, leaving little to the imagination.

There was also one of those sofa beds in the room that is there to make it a family room, and Heather pointed the men towards that and told them that they could sit there and watch.

Andy pointed that I was naked, and presumably so would Heather be, so would we mind if he stripped off too. Heather was a bit nonplussed at that, but after a bit of coaxing agreed, and Andy stripped off quickly followed by the other two men. As they stepped out of their underpants all three were clearly sporting huge erections.

Heather was a virgin when I met her, and had never actually seen any Cock close too before mine, and has been faithful in all our years of marriage. Yet here she was presented with three very different looking cocks. One long, one fat and one circumcised. Now my Percy is not particularly large, so the long one was longer, the fat one was fatter and I am not circumcised either, so these three clearly fascinated Heather, who could not help but stare at them. I started to feel myself getting hard inside the CB6000 watching Heather's interest in these strange cocks.

The foursome on the TV were getting into some hard action which was getting quite noisy, so Heather tuned the TV off and with a look that I recognise from her acting days, set out for the bed unclipping her bra and letting it fall to the ground as she did so.

Once on the bed, she stuck her bum in the air and wriggled out of her knickers, giving the first good view of her neatly trimmed pussy. I had only trimmed it earlier that afternoon, ready for "my present", and I was glad that I had and pretty proud of what the other men were gazing at intently.

Lifting her pubic mound and grinding it around in the air and stroking her nipples with both hands, Heather started the show. After watching the men's reactions and checking they were staying where she had told them (she later said that she knew I was safely tied up and so she knew she could ignore me), she closed her eyes and started to rub the dildo over her pussy lips. Then she started to describe our fantasy scene, this time using just three men rather than five and from the descriptions of how each of their cocks felt as she inserted her dildo, it was clear that the long one, the fat one and the circumcised one were the cocks being described and not three abstract cocks or their owners.

On previous occasions, Heather had managed to make the scenario last for about half an hour before she finally came, but this time she barely lasted ten minutes before she started to come noisily thrusting her pussy out in the direction of the three observers, who were each wanking their cocks vigorously. As Andy, the long one, came his cum streaked across the gap landing all over Heather's stomach. Feeling it, Heather opened her eyes in surprise, and then in delight as she saw the effect she had been having on them all, she gestured to the other two to come nearer and do the same. Soon, with three withering cocks dangling over her, she was streaked with beads of spunk. She looked so very sexy, very much a "just fucked" look about her.

Silence, only broken by heavy breathing followed, eventually broken by some comments of "Wow, what a show" and rather incongruous "Thank you"s as the three men dressed themselves and headed towards the door.

"Untie Bill please", Heather asked as the last one headed for the door, and they duly obliged, leaving me standing naked apart from my cock cage.

As the door closed behind them, Heather grinned at me and said "Well, they may not have come in me, but they have certainly come on me, and so you can finish off your fantasy by licking me clean".

She shuddered and giggled as I proceeded to do so, and to both of our surprises came again as my tongue moved from her tummy to nibble her pussy and clit.

Then she rolled over and drifted off to sleep, leaving me frustrated and still locked up. It was one of the most exciting experiences I have ever had.

The following day, grins greeted us from the gang of three, but being Gentlemen, nothing was said.

Over the next few months, various hints were dropped about what my next present might be, and clearly the three would like to be part of my next present. As for Heather, the fantasies have stayed with three rather than five, and the descriptions of the scene started with them spunking all over her but have more recently moved to them servicing her and filling her with their cum.

Our wedding anniversary is coming up soon, and we always have dinner out. I'm wondering what response I might get if I suggest dinner at home with Andy, Tim and Peter as guests.